
  • 2017 Index of Economic Freedom

    2017 Index of Economic Freedom

    James M. Roberts and Daniel Lacalle

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  • Presentation of the report "Corporate Entrepreneurship in Spain".

    Presentation of the report "Corporate Entrepreneurship in Spain".

    Deusto Business School, the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of La Rioja, in collaboration with the consultancy firm Neoris

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  • Keynote Speech by Mario Alonso Puig

    Keynote Speech by Mario Alonso Puig

    Mindfulness. The art of keeping calm in the midst of the storm.

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  • The economy of the common good

    The economy of the common good

    The economy of the common good

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  • Luis Pérez-Breva Keynote Lecture

    Luis Pérez-Breva Keynote Lecture

    Luis Pér

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  • Nick Clegg Keynote Lecture

    Nick Clegg Keynote Lecture

    Beyond Brexit: the challenges ahead for Britain and the European Union

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  • Reforms for a rational growth of the Spanish economy

    Reforms for a rational growth of the Spanish economy

    Juan María Nin, Joaquín Almunia and John Müller

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  • Keynote Lecture Juergen B. Donges

    Keynote Lecture Juergen B. Donges

    Economic globalisation: curse or blessing?

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  • Monetary policy in a new economic scenario

    Monetary policy in a new economic scenario

    Monetary policy in a new economic scenario

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  • Free Market Roadshow: the world after Brexit and populism

    Free Market Roadshow: the world after Brexit and populism

    Juan de Mariana Institute

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  • Cycle of conferences "From Ferdinand the Catholic to Charles V. 1504-1521

    Cycle of conferences "From Ferdinand the Catholic to Charles V. 1504-1521

    Royal Academy of History

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  • What has happened to the language of politics?

    What has happened to the language of politics?

    Mark Thompson and Pedro García Cuartango

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