1st Seminar on Education and Educational Policies in Spain
Organised by the Fundación Ortega-Marañón and the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA), in collaboration with the Fundación Rafael del Pino, Universia, Ariane de Rothschild Foundation and The Aspen Institute España.
On the evolution of man
Francisco J. Ayala, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine. U.S. National Medal of Science in 2001.
Max Otte
Stop the Euro disaster
Christopher A. Pissarides
The future of employment in Europe
Presentation of the report. Women, business and regulation 2012
Augusto López-Claros, Director of the Global Indicators and Analysis Department of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (24/10/2011)
Jeremy Rifkin
The Third Industrial Revolution
Bill Drayton
Everyone a Changemaker
Things that life has taught me through business
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, Commercial Technician and Government Economist
The Spanish Economy. A General Equilibrium Perspective
José Manuel Campa, Secretary of State for the Economy, and Rafael Doménech, Chief Economist for Spain and Europe at BBVA's Economic Research Department.
John L. Ward
The art of family business continuity. Beyond best practice
Top Emerging Technologies: Ready for entrepreneurship/investment?
Organised by the MIT Enterprise Forum Spain (MITEF) in collaboration with the Rafael del Pino Foundation, the Bankinter Foundation of Innovation and the Everis Foundation.
Roger B. Myerson
Financial crises. A Keynesian perspective