On 15 November 2011, the Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted the presentation of the book "Cosas que me enseñó la vida gracias a la empresa", published by Editorial Deusto. The event was attended by the author of the book, Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros. The following took part Claudio BoadaPresident of Círculo de Empresarios, and Carlos Rodríguez BraunProfessor of History of Economic Thought at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros said: "The world is in a process of permanent change. Perhaps what we are experiencing now is an acceleration of that process. Things are changing faster than they did before. So you have to adapt and adapt to situations more quickly, with greater urgency and with greater competition as well. The biggest challenge for today's companies, therefore, lies in guessing, in anticipating change and managing to change the mentalities of all of us who are part of them. We have to get out of the routine and look at things from different points of view to see how everything can be done a little better.
As for the main challenges facing companies today, his opinion was clear: "We are in an increasingly open market and we have to be more efficient in order to be able to compete with others. I think that, in today's world, there is a whole issue of information, of new technologies that are applicable to all companies without exception, but it seems to me that the real change is a change in minds; in people's mentality: companies have to devote a lot of effort to training, to teaching... so that people learn to look at things with a perspective of permanent change".