
  • The grit quotient. If you change your mind, you change your life.

    The grit quotient. If you change your mind, you change your life.

    Mario Alonso Puig, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

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  • Spain's economic freedom 2013: why do some regions fail?

    Spain's economic freedom 2013: why do some regions fail?

    Francisco Cabrillo, Rocío Albert, Rogelio Biazzi and Julio Pomés

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  • 1st Shape Europe Meeting

    1st Shape Europe Meeting

    Global Shapers

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  • Juergen B. Donges

    Juergen B. Donges

    Economic recovery. The challenge of consolidation

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  • 1st Congress judges and arbitrators: allies in the resolution of commercial disputes

    1st Congress judges and arbitrators: allies in the resolution of commercial disputes

    In collaboration with the Madrid Court of Arbitration

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  • Joaquín Navarro-Valls

    Joaquín Navarro-Valls

    The meaning of human suffering in John Paul II

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  • Stephen D. King

    Stephen D. King

    When the Money Runs Out: The End of Western Affluence

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  • Moisés Naím

    Moisés Naím

    The end of power

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  • Anatomy of a crisis. How mismanagement and political interference changed everyone's lives and led to the bailout.

    Anatomy of a crisis. How mismanagement and political interference changed everyone's lives and led to the bailout.

    Aristóbulo de Juan, Francisco Uría and Íñigo de Barrón

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  • Valeria Budinich

    Valeria Budinich

    Towards a new entrepreneurial vision that can transform society

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  • Martin Feldstein

    Martin Feldstein

    World Economic Outlook

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  • James Tooley

    James Tooley

    How are the world's poor being educated? The rise of low-cost private education

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