George Akerlof
Animal Spirits
José Luís Feito
The way out of the crisis
IV Meeting of the Association of Competition Economics (ACE) in Spain
Rafael del Pino Foundation and IESE Business School.
Debate. Turkey in Europe. Breaking the vicious circle
Organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation, the University Institute of European Studies of the San Pablo CEU University and the Elcano Royal Institute.
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
What will our societies be like after the crisis?
Moisés Naím
The world after the crisis
Miguel Boyer, Alberto Recarte and Fernando del Pino
Three different views on the recession
Rodrigo Rato Figaredo
The crisis and the new reality
Stephen S. Roach
Stephen S. Roach
Mauro F. Guillén
Mauro F. Guillén
Juan Luis Arsuaga
Juan Luis Arsuaga
Richard L. Schmalensee
Richard L. Schmalensee