Videos of
Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading figures from around the world on sustainability.
The 12 most efficient solutions to major global problems. What works.
Bjorn Lomborg
Spain's speed in the global innovation race
Manuel León, Andrés Pedreño, Francisco Marín, Mª José Alonso and Natalia Rodríguez
UN Global Compact
Kofi Annan and Rafael del Pino y Moreno
Cities, the future of civilisation
Salim Ismail
Give me back my power
Miriam González Durántez and Ana Pastor
A project for Spain
Eduardo Serra, Ana Palacio, Javier Gomá, Joaquín Leguina and Javier Ruiz
The global green new deal
Jeremy Rifkin
The mind of the righteous. Why politics and religion divide sensible people.
Jonathan Haidt
1st go!ODS Awards Ceremony
Innovative initiatives that bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the global development agenda
How a decade of financial crisis has changed the world
Adam Tooze
The economy of the common good
Jean Tirole and Manuel Conthe
European Economy. A bet against confusion
Juergen B. Donges