Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading figures from around the world on leadership.

  • 10 technologies to drive Spain 2023

    10 technologies to drive Spain 2023

    Javier García and Eugenio Mallol

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  • UN Global Compact

    UN Global Compact

    Kofi Annan and Rafael del Pino y Moreno

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  • Technology and human evolution. Innovation and the great challenges facing humanity

    Technology and human evolution. Innovation and the great challenges facing humanity

    Antonio Garrigues and Juan Luis Arsuaga

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  • Reset your mind

    Reset your mind

    Mario Alonso Puig

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  • Decalogue of the Good Citizen: Citizenship and the Common Interest in the 21st Century

    Decalogue of the Good Citizen: Citizenship and the Common Interest in the 21st Century

    Lucía Méndez and Víctor Lapuente

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  • What needs to be reformed in the Spanish public administration?

    What needs to be reformed in the Spanish public administration?

    Elisa de la Nuez, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde and Víctor Lapuente

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  • Cities, the future of civilisation

    Cities, the future of civilisation

    Salim Ismail

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  • A project for Spain

    A project for Spain

    Eduardo Serra, Ana Palacio, Javier Gomá, Joaquín Leguina and Javier Ruiz

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  • The global green new deal

    The global green new deal

    Jeremy Rifkin

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  • The leader in the face of innovation

    The leader in the face of innovation

    José D. Bogas Gálvez, Iñaki Ereño, Marieta Jiménez, Tommaso Canonici, Antonio Núñez, and Marta del Amo

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  • The music of transformation

    The music of transformation

    Íñigo Pírfano and Álvaro González-Alorda

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  • Rafael del Pino Excellence Grants 2019

    Rafael del Pino Excellence Grants 2019

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