Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading economic figures from around the world.

  • The Scars of Freedom. Homage to Pedro Schwartz

    The Scars of Freedom. Homage to Pedro Schwartz

    Pedro Schwartz, Fernando Schwartz, Thomas Baumert and Francisco Cabrillo

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  • Has the German economic miracle come to an end?

    Has the German economic miracle come to an end?

    Wolfgang Münchau and Miguel Otero Iglesias

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  • On freedom

    On freedom

    Timothy Snyder

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  • Principles of economics in modern times

    Principles of economics in modern times

    Saifedean Ammous

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  • Spain (and Europe) in trouble

    Spain (and Europe) in trouble

    Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

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  • Dialogue "What's happening to us? Capitalism and democracy in the age of disorder".

    Dialogue "What's happening to us? Capitalism and democracy in the age of disorder".

    Moisés Naím, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, Luis Garicano and Maite Rico

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  • Dialogue Liberal voices: monetarism, monetary policy and the causes of inflation

    Dialogue Liberal voices: monetarism, monetary policy and the causes of inflation

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  • Dialogues on the challenges facing Spanish society today

    Dialogues on the challenges facing Spanish society today

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  • Economic and demographic dynamics in perspective

    Economic and demographic dynamics in perspective

    Marian L. Tupy, Deirdre McCloskey, Ian Vasquez and Gabriel Calzada

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  • Citizen confidence in capitalism and democracy

    Citizen confidence in capitalism and democracy

    Jordi Gual, Javier Gomá Lanzón and Lucía Méndez.

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  • The multigenerational revolution

    The multigenerational revolution

    Mauro Guillén

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  • The capitalist manifesto

    The capitalist manifesto

    Johan Norberg

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