Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading economic figures from around the world.

  • The Spanish economy after the COVID-19 crisis. Economic policy priorities

    The Spanish economy after the COVID-19 crisis. Economic policy priorities

    Jesús Fernández Villaverde, Tano Santos and Luis Garicano

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  • Immigration and freedom

    Immigration and freedom

    Chandran Kukathas

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  • The external sector of the Spanish economy in the new international scenario

    The external sector of the Spanish economy in the new international scenario

    José Luis Feito, Fernando Fernández Méndez de Andés, Jaime García-Legaz, Coriseo González-Izquierdo, Esther Gordo, Silvia Iranzo, Javier Serra Guevara and Jaime Requeijo

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  • Political economy and the struggle for a better world

    Political economy and the struggle for a better world

    Paul Krugman and Mauro F. Guillén

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  • Cities, the future of civilisation

    Cities, the future of civilisation

    Salim Ismail

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  • Today's productivity slowdown: a historical perspective

    Today's productivity slowdown: a historical perspective

    Nicholas Crafts

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  • The era of Chinese multinationals. Competing for global dominance

    The era of Chinese multinationals. Competing for global dominance

    Lourdes Casanova

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  • The future of capitalism

    The future of capitalism

    Paul Collier and Jose Ignacio Torreblanca

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  • The economic impact of Brexit on European regions

    The economic impact of Brexit on European regions

    Raquel Ortega-Argilés

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  • Ten years on: Facing a new economic crisis?

    Ten years on: Facing a new economic crisis?

    Juergen Donges

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  • A project for Spain

    A project for Spain

    Eduardo Serra, Ana Palacio, Javier Gomá, Joaquín Leguina and Javier Ruiz

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  • The global green new deal

    The global green new deal

    Jeremy Rifkin

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