Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading economic figures from around the world.

  • The challenges of the energy transition: a paradigm shift

    The challenges of the energy transition: a paradigm shift

    Jorge Sanz, María Fernández Pérez, Jordi Sevilla and John Müller

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  • The liberal counter-attack

    The liberal counter-attack

    Mario Vargas Llosa and Luis Garicano

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  • Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical scenario

    Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical scenario

    Raphael Bostic and Jaime Caruana

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  • Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical scenario

    Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical scenario

    Raphael Bostic and Jaime Caruana

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  • The European Union faces serious protectionist challenges

    The European Union faces serious protectionist challenges

    Juergen B. Donges

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  • The bitcoin standard. The decentralised alternative to central banks

    The bitcoin standard. The decentralised alternative to central banks

    Saifedean Ammous

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  • Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies

    Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies

    Jesús Fernández Villaverde

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  • How to compete in investment markets

    How to compete in investment markets

    Francisco García Paramés and Tano Santos

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  • Economic dynamics: the time is ripe for rational policies

    Economic dynamics: the time is ripe for rational policies

    Juergen B. Donges

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  • The body and soul of liberalism

    The body and soul of liberalism

    Juan Ramón Rallo

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  • Perception and reality of the reputation of Spanish companies after the crisis

    Perception and reality of the reputation of Spanish companies after the crisis

    Manuel Sevillano, Tomás Garicano and Alberto Andreu

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  • Presentation of results GEM Spain 2017 Report

    Presentation of results GEM Spain 2017 Report

    Iñaki Peña

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