Dissemination of science

  • Europe, Spain and the digital divide in the global economy

    Europe, Spain and the digital divide in the global economy

    One of the hot topics of technological innovation is the differential bet that is being made in the geostrategic sphere on artificial intelligence and digitalisation. Andrés Pedreño, member of the Committee of Experts of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, and the economist Luis Moreno have delved into the issue in their work Europa...

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  • Javier García explains INTEC 2021

    Javier García explains INTEC 2021

    Javier García Martínez presented the results of the work of the Chair of Science and Society of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, materialised in the publication of the book España a ciencia cierta. A look at the future we can build, published by Gestión2000. The event took place on 17 November in the Auditorium of the Rafael del Pino...

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  • For certain, the ten technologies that will decide Spain's future

    For certain, the ten technologies that will decide Spain's future

    On 17 November, the Rafael del Pino Foundation auditorium hosted the presentation of the book España a ciencia cierta. Its author, Javier García Martínez, holds the Foundation's Chair in Science and Society. The book, inspired by the annual report Ten technologies to boost Spain, was born as a result of the efforts of the...

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  • Debate on bureaucracy and underfunding of science

    Debate on bureaucracy and underfunding of science

    María Blasco and Javier García took part in the dialogue on the future of science in Spain2050 on 18 and 19 October 2021. Funding problems and bureaucratic obstacles to attracting and consolidating research talent were two of the main issues addressed.

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  • Science as a driver of recovery

    Science as a driver of recovery

    In his speech at the Wake Up Spain forum, the Professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation invited us to design the future of Spain based on knowledge. "The fate of the country depends on our ability to create solutions from science".

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  • The future of chemistry. Educating for a new time

    The future of chemistry. Educating for a new time

    Javier García, president-elect of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Alicante and co-founder of the company RiveTechnology, gave a lecture on 25 March on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of studies in chemistry on the need to adapt education to the advances...

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  • How chemistry helps us

    How chemistry helps us

    Javier García, professor at the Rafael del Pino Foundation and president-elect of IUPAC explains how chemistry helps us fight against diseases. His talk, which will take place on the Youtube channel of the University of La Rioja on 29 January 2021, will address the permanent revolution that science and chemistry are...

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  • Role of chemistry against COVID-19

    Role of chemistry against COVID-19

    On 6 May, the webinar Chemistry, essential against COVID-19 took place, which highlighted how chemistry is playing a leading role in the fight against this pandemic, both in the field of research, seeking solutions to prevent a new pandemic spread in the future, as well as from the perspective of the...

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  • Pedro Duque: "Spain's young academy gets off the ground".

    Pedro Duque: "Spain's young academy gets off the ground".

    Meeting of the Minister of Science, Pedro Duque, with the first president of the Young Academy of Spain and professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Javier García.

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  • Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    On 8 November, Javier García, Professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, gave a talk entitled "Science for a better world" to a group of secondary school students in the auditorium of the Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art (MACA). The students from Alicante's Jaime II Secondary School of Alicante, who were...

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  • The road to a better world goes through science

    The road to a better world goes through science

    Rafael del Pino Foundation Professor Javier García linked the UN's sustainable development goals with science and defended the role of science as a driver of change towards a better world.

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  • Science seeks its own story in the Alicante Information Club

    Science seeks its own story in the Alicante Information Club

    By Jordi Navas

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  • The limits of science, a debate with Celera

    The limits of science, a debate with Celera

    By Víctor Fanjul

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  • Appointments: Young Academy of Spain and IUPAC

    Appointments: Young Academy of Spain and IUPAC

    In recent months, Rafael del Pino Foundation Professor Javier García has been appointed president of the Academia Joven de España (AJE) and of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), two high responsibilities that place the director of the Chair in Science and Society at the head of institutions of the highest...

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  • Meeting of science and technology experts

    Meeting of science and technology experts

    The committee of experts of the Rafael del Pino Foundation's Chair in Science and Society met at the Foundation's Madrid headquarters on 6 June. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange opinions and views on the report Ten technologies to give Spain a competitive advantage.

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