The book, which in recent months has generated a great deal of debate in the media, networks and different webinars, will have a very special launch on Tuesday 14 December at 19:00. With the support of the Conexus Foundation and the Paul VI Foundation, Madrid will host a round table discussion, both in person and online, to discuss the issues addressed in the book, as well as the responses that can be adopted to face this great European challenge.
In addition to one of the authors, Professor of Applied Economics and former Rector of the University of Alicante Andrés Pedreño, the debate will be addressed by Miguel Álava, Director of Amazon Web Services Iberia, Iñaki Berenguer, co-founder and CEO of CoverWallet, Alicia García Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, and former minister Jordi Sevilla, who will moderate the round table.
Europe versus the US and China. Preventing the decline of Artificial Intelligence takes an in-depth look at the factors that explain why Europe is lagging behind China and the United States in the digital economy. In 14 chapters, issues such as historical policies, regulation, R&D investment, digital innovation ecosystems, startups and their scalability problems, education policies, attraction, development and retention of talent and the role of public administrations are analysed. In each chapter, specific proposals are made to correct the European disadvantage.
In a specific chapter, attention is paid to the disruption that the digital economy produces in the current body of theory (price formation, financial system, open knowledge, impact on the labour market...).
Presentation of the book Europe versus the US and China. Preventing decline in the age of Artificial Intelligence.
Day: 14 December
Time: 19h
Place: Paseo de Juan XXIII, 3, 28040 Madrid (University campus).