Objectives of the Chair

Engine of change

In order to develop a new story about science that encourages vocations, connects initiatives and awakens awareness, the Rafael del Pino Foundation's Chair in Science and Society promotes activities aimed at a plural audience and which aim to activate processes that stimulate the commitment to research and development.

The activities of the chair are oriented towards:

Analyse: Reviewing, critically evolving and developing materials on the impact of science and technology on the future of the economy, security, industry and employment.

Debate: Round tables are held with specialists of the highest international level to discuss specific aspects of the impact of science and technology. Each one of these panels is collected and disseminated through our own and external channels.

Communicate: Every year the report on the 10 most relevant technologies for development and competitiveness in Spain is produced. This report describes in detail what each one consists of and how they are expected to help improve different aspects of our economy, employment and our lives.

The publication is in addition to the opinion articles and a whole range of content that will be deployed through social networks and the Scanner section of this website. There you can find news, reports and interviews generated by the activity of the chair and its field of influence, as well as other useful resources for knowledge about science and technology.

Educate: Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) represent an opportunity for open education on the internet and for the democratisation of knowledge. The Chair Science and Society will promote the creation of this type of tools to contribute to individual or community learning, establishing exchange and connectivity networks.