
  • The future of chemistry. Educating for a new time

    The future of chemistry. Educating for a new time

    Javier García, president-elect of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Alicante and co-founder of the company RiveTechnology, gave a lecture on 25 March on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of studies in chemistry on the need to adapt education to the advances...

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  • How chemistry helps us

    How chemistry helps us

    Javier García, professor at the Rafael del Pino Foundation and president-elect of IUPAC explains how chemistry helps us fight against diseases. His talk, which will take place on the Youtube channel of the University of La Rioja on 29 January 2021, will address the permanent revolution that science and chemistry are...

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  • Scientific American: Bioplastics may be the solution

    Scientific American: Bioplastics may be the solution

    Every year, Scientific American magazine publishes its special report The top ten emerging technolgies. Rafael del Pino Foundation professor Javier García is a regular contributor to this special publication on disruptive technologies that can change the world. In the 2019 edition, the president-elect of the International Union of Chemistry, Javier García, also...

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  • Role of chemistry against COVID-19

    Role of chemistry against COVID-19

    On 6 May, the webinar Chemistry, essential against COVID-19 took place, which highlighted how chemistry is playing a leading role in the fight against this pandemic, both in the field of research, seeking solutions to prevent a new pandemic spread in the future, as well as from the perspective of the...

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  • Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    On 8 November, Javier García, Professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, gave a talk entitled "Science for a better world" to a group of secondary school students in the auditorium of the Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art (MACA). The students from Alicante's Jaime II Secondary School of Alicante, who were...

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  • Tribuna El País: The language of things

    Tribuna El País: The language of things

    Article by Javier García on the historical evolution and usefulness of chemical nomenclature.

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  • Nature Chemistry: A common language for chemistry

    Nature Chemistry: A common language for chemistry

    An article by Rafael del Pino Foundation Professor in which he recounts the historical process by which the chemical elements have been named. Originally published in the scientific journal Nature Chemistry.

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