INTEC 2024 technology selection kicks off with expert committee meeting
The committee of experts who will participate in the proposal of the 10 technologies of the next INTEC 2024 report of the Rafael del Pino Foundation's Chair in Science and Society held the first preparatory meeting on Monday 5 February, which serves as a starting point for the final selection of the contents. The...
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In this opinion article, published in the newspaper La Verdad on 29 October 2020, the Science and Society Chair expert Pablo Artal characterises Spanish science as an eternal unfinished business. "Aged, underfunded and asphyxiated, it survives on the basis of quixotic individualities", says the university professor and physicist specialised in optics and...
Science seeks its own story in the Alicante Information Club
By Jordi Navas
The limits of science, a debate with Celera
By Víctor Fanjul