Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading economic figures from around the world.

  • Free Market Roadshow 2017. Are we facing the end of free trade?

    Free Market Roadshow 2017. Are we facing the end of free trade?

    Juan Ramón Rallo, Ron Manners, John Chrisholm, Diego Sánchez de la Cruz and John Müller

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  • Free Market Roadshow 2017. Challenging times in a polarised society

    Free Market Roadshow 2017. Challenging times in a polarised society

    Carlos Rodríguez Braun, Gloria Álvarez, Federico Fernández, Adrián Rodríguez, Enrique Couto, María Blanco

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  • Free Market Road Show 2017.  Bureaucracy versus prosperity: from the Rule of law to the regulatory maze

    Free Market Road Show 2017. Bureaucracy versus prosperity: from the Rule of law to the regulatory maze

    Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago, Andrea Martos Esteban, Sara Rodríguez and Francisco Capella

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  • Turbulent and misunderstood relationship between economic growth and employment in Spain

    Turbulent and misunderstood relationship between economic growth and employment in Spain

    Juan Francisco Jimeno, Emilio Ontiveros Baeza, Guillermo de la Dehesa Romero and Miguel Jiménez Cabezas

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  • The future of the European Banking Union and the City of London after Brexit

    The future of the European Banking Union and the City of London after Brexit

    Juan Castañeda, Pedro Schwartz, David Marsh and José Manuel González-Páramo

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  • Brexit, Trump and the future of the liberal order

    Brexit, Trump and the future of the liberal order

    Kevin Rudd

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  • Brexit, Trump and the future of the liberal order

    Brexit, Trump and the future of the liberal order

    Roger Cohen

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  • The tyranny of equality. Why egalitarianism is immoral and undermines progress in our society.

    The tyranny of equality. Why egalitarianism is immoral and undermines progress in our society.

    Axel Kaiser and Juan Ramón Rallo

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  • The sustainability of the European social and economic model

    The sustainability of the European social and economic model

    José Manuel García-Margallo, Fernando Eguidazu and José Ignacio Torreblanca

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  • After the "yes" to Brexit, a "no" to EU self-delusion

    After the "yes" to Brexit, a "no" to EU self-delusion

    Juergen B. Donges

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  • Investing for the long term

    Investing for the long term

    Francisco García Paramés

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  • II Collaborative Intelligence Day

    II Collaborative Intelligence Day

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