Videos of


Recorded videos of keynote speeches by leading economic figures from around the world.

  • Economic freedom in Spain and its regions

    Economic freedom in Spain and its regions

    Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, Francisco Cabrillo and John Müller

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  • Road to Utopia. An economic history of the 20th century

    Road to Utopia. An economic history of the 20th century

    James Bradford DeLong and Eduardo Dávila

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  • Public debt in Spain and the Eurozone: How to deal with the legacy of the crisis in terms of debt?

    Public debt in Spain and the Eurozone: How to deal with the legacy of the crisis in terms of debt?

    Rafael Doménech, Jaime A. El Koury and Tano Santos

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  • Lessons from Puerto Rico's Debt Restructuring

    Lessons from Puerto Rico's Debt Restructuring

    Jaime A. El Koury

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  • International experiences in debt crisis management

    International experiences in debt crisis management

    Tano Santos

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  • Welfare and freedom: a long-term vision

    Welfare and freedom: a long-term vision

    Leandro Prados de la Escosura

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  • The ten global trends that threaten our future and how to survive them

    The ten global trends that threaten our future and how to survive them

    Nouriel Roubini

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  • Liberalism and its disenchanted. How to defend and safeguard our liberal democracies.

    Liberalism and its disenchanted. How to defend and safeguard our liberal democracies.

    Francis Fukuyama

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  • The big bang of civilisations: the keys to human progress

    The big bang of civilisations: the keys to human progress

    Oded Galor

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  • An empire of engineers

    An empire of engineers

    Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Manuel Lucena and Maite Rico

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  • Lessons and opportunities from an increasingly volatile financial market

    Lessons and opportunities from an increasingly volatile financial market

    Daniel Lacalle

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  • How autocrats are reinventing 21st century politics

    How autocrats are reinventing 21st century politics

    Moisés Naím and José Juan Ruiz

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