Videos of
Life and science merge in the most thrilling story
Eduardo Punset
Young Leadership Award 2013
Tomás Diago
Interview at the Rafael del Pino Foundation
Eduardo Punset
Interview at the Rafael del Pino Foundation
Tomás Diago
The european institutions as an interest group
Roland Vaubel
Antifragile: things that gain from disorder
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Interview at Rafael del Pino Foundation
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy. A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Woman Leader Award 2013
Belén Romana, President of Sareb
VII National Competition of Mini-companies
With the collaboration of Junior Achievement
The crisis in Spain and Southern Europe. Relative price misalignment and labour problems.
Ricardo López Murphy
Round table. What to do with Spain
César Molinas, Carles Casajuana and Manuel Conthe