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In this opinion article, published in the newspaper La Verdad on 29 October 2020, the Science and Society Chair expert Pablo Artal characterises Spanish science as an eternal unfinished business. "Aged, underfunded and asphyxiated, it survives on the basis of quixotic individualities", says the university professor and physicist specialised in optics and...
Scientific American: Bioplastics may be the solution
Every year, Scientific American magazine publishes its special report The top ten emerging technolgies. Rafael del Pino Foundation professor Javier García is a regular contributor to this special publication on disruptive technologies that can change the world. In the 2019 edition, the president-elect of the International Union of Chemistry, Javier García, also...
Tribuna El País: The science is not convincing
An article in the newspaper El País in which Professor Rafael del Pino Javier García explains the difficulties encountered by science in offering a truthful and convincing account of science.
Tribuna El País: Science against climate change
Opinion article by Jvier García published in El País on 11 December 2019.
Tribuna El País: The language of things
Article by Javier García on the historical evolution and usefulness of chemical nomenclature.
Nature Chemistry: A common language for chemistry
An article by Rafael del Pino Foundation Professor in which he recounts the historical process by which the chemical elements have been named. Originally published in the scientific journal Nature Chemistry.
RNE: "Science has made me freer and happier".
Two interviews with Javier García on Radio Nacional de España.