María del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo, Chairwoman
Graduate in Economics and Business Studies (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); PDD from IESE; Director of Ferrovial since 2006; President of the Rafael del Pino Foundation and of Casa Grande de Cartagena, S.A.; Member of the Príncipe de Asturias Board of Trustees; Former member of the Board of Trustees of the Codespa Foundation and of the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association against Cancer and of the Governing Board of the Association for the Progress of Management (Family Trustee).
Ana Mª Cebrián del Pino, Vice-President
Degree in Business Administration and Management (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas); MBA from McGill University-Desautels Faculty of Management, she furthered her studies at Northeastern University. She has been Foreign Trade Technician at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Warsaw, Analyst in the Private Equity Department at Pactio Gestión Asset Management and Senior Research Analyst at Brandywine Global. She has been Director of the Online Channel at El Ganso S.A. (Family Patron).
Rafael del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo
Civil Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid); MBA from the Sloan School of Management (MIT); Chairman of Ferrovial since 2000 and CEO since 1992; Chairman of Cintra between 1998 and 2009; Member of the MIT Corporation, of the International Advisory Board of IESE and the MIT Energy Initiative and of the European Advisory Board of Harvard Business School; Former Director of Zurich Insurance Group, Banesto and Uralita (Family Trustee).
Joaquín del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo
Degree in Economics and Business Studies (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); MBA from IESE. Member of the Board of Directors of Ferrovial since 2010; Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Casa Grande de Cartagena, S.A.; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pactio Gestión, SGIIC; Trustee of the Plan España Foundation; Former Director of Banco Pastor, Member of the Board of Directors of SECOT, member of the Board of Trustees of AXA. (Family Trustee)
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros y Bernaldo de Quirós
Graduate in Law and Business Management; Member of the Cuerpo Superior de Técnicos Comerciales y Economistas del Estado. He has been Vice-President and Commercial Director of INI, Commercial Attaché in Chicago, Chairman of Iberia, Aviaco, González Byass, Mercedes Benz, Fraternidad Muprespa, ANFAC, Círculo de Empresarios, Director of Acciona, Schindler and Inditex (where he was also Vice-Chairman); Lecturer and writer in 2013 published by Editorial Deusto "Cosas que me enseñó la vida a través de la empresa"; Former High Commissioner of the Government for Marca España (Independent Trustee).
Mónica de Oriol e Icaza
Degree in Economics and Business Administration (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Diploma in Economics of the European Union (London School of Economics); co-founded Layos Camp in 1982, in 1989 Grupo SEGURIBER (security services, alarms, electronic engineering and security systems), sold in 2017 and in 2012 Net4 Things a software development company in the Internet of Things, focused on the connected car and with clients in Europe, America and Africa. She has been an independent director of several Ibex companies. He is President of the Fundación Vizcaína Aguirre (La Comercial de la Deusto BS), and Honorary President of the Circulo de Empresarios and Secot. He is a member of several advisory boards and organisations, including YPO and IWF. He has given numerous conferences in Spain, Europe and the USA. He has received numerous awards (Independent Trustee).
Amadeo Petitbò Juan
Professor of Applied Economics; Member of the Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia (1992-1995) and President of this institution (1995-2000); Academician of the Reial Acadèmia de Doctors; Economist of Merit of the Colegio de Economistas de Cataluña; He holds the Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil, the Distinction for Merits of the Ministry of Economy and the Medal for Services Rendered to the University. He was Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation (2000-2013) (Independent Trustee).
Rafael del Pino Fernández-Fontecha
A graduate in Business Administration and Management (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas), he has furthered his education at the London School of Economics and Yale University. He has been an Analyst in the Market Research Department of Técnicas Reunidas, Analyst in the Corporate Finance Department of N+1 Corporate Finance, Analyst in the Project Finance Department of Calyon Structured Finance Division, Business Analyst in the Energy Competence Centre of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and Analyst in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs International (Family Trustee).
Alfredo Sáenz Abad
Graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid, and in Economics from the Commercial University of Deusto, with the number one in his class. He has been Chairman of the Banca Catalana Group, First Vice-Chairman and CEO of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, Chairman of Banco Español de Crédito and Vice-Chairman and CEO of Banco Santander. He is currently Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVANZIA (Mexico), member of the Advisory Board of Herbert Smith Freehill Spain LLP, member of the European Advisory Board of JP Morgan and member of the Board of Directors of Nicolás Correa, S. A. He is also a member of the International Academy of Management and Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deusto Business School (University of Deusto) and is a member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Teatro Real (Independent Trustee).
José Ignacio Ysasi-Ysasmendi y Pemán, Secretary
Degree in Law (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Master of Laws -LLLM- (University of London); Worked for a year as an analyst at the London headquarters of the investment bank Baring Brothers. Subsequently worked for eight years as a senior lawyer in the London and Madrid offices of the law firm Frehsfields Bruckhaus Deringer, in the areas of commercial and capital markets; Since 1999, he has been legal manager of Casa Grande de Cartagena, S.A., and secretary director since 2006; Since 2005, he has been legal manager and secretary director of Pactio, SGIIC (independent trustee).
Attends the meetings of the Board of Trustees, with the right to speak but not to vote, Vicente José Montes Gan, Director of the Foundation.
He holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the UAM and a PhD from the Faculty of Law at the UCM. D. from the Faculty of Law of the UCM, he is a member of the Cuerpo Superior de Técnicos Comerciales y Economistas del Estado and of the Academia Europea de Ciencias y Artes. Officer of the Order of Isabel La Católica, Leão de Oro de la República de Angola (AIA) and I Premio de Ensayo Casa África. He is Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Vice-President of the Spanish Association of Foundations, Patron of the NGO AMREF Salud África, Founder and President of Liberdom and member of the Editorial Board of ICE. His previous professional activities include: Vice-President of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact; President of the Association of TCEE; Chief Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Spanish Embassies in Angola, Namibia, Congo, D.R. Congo, Sao Tome and Principe and Zambia; Director of Division of ICEX; and Deputy Director General of the Court for the Defence of Competition. He has been Professor of Economic Analysis at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and President of the Economic Sciences Section of the Ateneo de Madrid.
María del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo, President
Amadeo Petitbò Juan
Ana Mª Cebrián del Pino
José Ignacio Ysasi-Ysasmendi y Pemán
In accordance with the provisions of the statutes, Vicente José Montes GanThe Director of the Foundation attends the meetings of the Executive Committee.
María del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo, President
Amadeo Petitbò JuanVice-Chairman of the Advisory Council
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros y Bernaldo de Quirós
Mónica de Oriol e Icaza
Daniel Lacalle Fernández
María Luisa Garaña Corces
Belén Romana García
Jose Mª Fernández Rodríguez
Alberto Ibáñez González
Vicente José Montes GanSecretary