Letter from the Founder

Founder's Letter (Madrid, 2001) The objective of the Rafael del Pino Foundation is to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the leaders of the Spain of the future, to the promotion of individual initiative and to the encouragement of the principles of free markets and free enterprise. Our leaders have demonstrated for many years...

Letter from the Founder (Madrid, 2001)

The objective of the Rafael del Pino Foundation is to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the leaders of the Spain of the future, to the promotion of individual initiative and to the encouragement of the principles of free market and free enterprise.

Our leaders have shown for many years that with tenacity and effort, excellence can be achieved in all fields of knowledge and professional and business activity. For this reason, I believe that it is worthwhile dedicating our efforts so that both today's Spanish leaders and those of the future can successfully develop their skills in a progressively globalised world in which competitiveness is a fundamental reference point.

The Foundation does not limit the concept of leadership to the business world. The notion of leadership should refer to a wide range of activities related to different fields of knowledge, among which I highlight the following: economics and business, law and justice, media, politics and public management, international relations and education.

Our historical and cultural heritage is important. For this reason, the Foundation also wishes to promote knowledge of history, contribute to the defence of the Hispanic cultural heritage and promote the growing importance of the Spanish language as a vehicle of communication in the world.

I have created the Rafael del Pino Foundation to give back to Spanish society part of what this same society has given me throughout my personal and professional life. It has been my wish for the Foundation to be independent and to have a long life. To this end, I count on the commitment of my family.

During my long business career I have learned that institutions, like buildings or roads, are built step by step, with some haste and, above all, without interruptions. Objectives must also be pursued with a desire for excellence. I hope that the Foundation will pursue them with the spirit of effort that has animated all my collaborators for more than 50 years of professional life.

Rafael del Pino y Moreno