A space for disseminating research supported by the Rafael del Pino Foundation:
latest updates, related articles, visualisations, simulators and databases.

Featured Spanish economy

  • ECO 2024 Report (April)

    ECO 2024 Report (April)

    The Business Cycle Observatory, an initiative of BBVA Research, Fedea and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, have jointly launched the eleventh edition of the Observatory on the Business Cycle in Spain, entitled "Business Cycle, Employment and Productivity in 2023". This Observatory analyses and quantifies the influence of a wide range of factors on the [...]

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  • Spanish macroeconomics today

    Spanish macroeconomics today

    This space includes information on the evolution of a set of relevant macroeconomic variables of the Spanish economy.

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  • Spanish Historical Macroeconomic Series

    Spanish Historical Macroeconomic Series

    This section contains the historical series of the Spanish economy from 1850 to the present day, the result of the research carried out throughout his academic career by Professor Leandro Prados de la Escosura. The format in which the data are presented and the instruments offered for their analysis in this space allow the user to gain a deeper knowledge of our economic history and to go through the different periods of expansion and crisis that the Spanish economy has experienced since the mid-19th century. It also offers a comparative view of GDP and population since the end of the 13th century.

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  • Other economic research

    Other economic research

    This space includes other economic research supported by the Rafael del Pino Foundation since its creation.

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Featured world economy

  • Comparative Position in the World

    Comparative Position in the World

    The world economy is continuously exposed to structural macroeconomic shocks of different nature that impact with different intensity and direction on variables such as GDP, international trade, employment, competitiveness, etc.

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  • Human Development In The World

    Human Development In The World

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation has promoted research on human development in the world from a long-term perspective and has supported the development of the Augmented Human Development Index (AHDI), elaborated by Professor Leandro Prados de la Escosura. This space collects the results for more than 160 countries, between 1870 and 2020, and offers useful analysis tools, such as series editors and data comparison and presentation systems, for teachers, researchers and people interested in the comparative study of the levels of human development and its components in the world.

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  • Global Economy: Figures

    Global Economy: Figures

    The world economy is continuously exposed to structural macroeconomic shocks of different nature that impact with different intensity and direction on variables such as GDP, international trade, employment, competitiveness, etc.

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  • Economic Freedom In The World

    Economic Freedom In The World

    The Foundation has promoted the rigorous study of the levels of economic freedom prevailing in numerous countries around the world and has supported the development of the Historical Index of Economic Freedom (HIEL) developed by Professor Leandro Prados de la Escosura. This space collects the results for 21 countries in this Index and offers useful tools of analysis for teachers, researchers and people interested in the comparative study of the levels of economic freedom and its components in the world, such as editors of the series and systems of comparison and presentation of data.

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Featured other social sciences

  • An empire of engineers

    An empire of engineers

    Felipe Fernández- Armesto and Manuel Lucena Giraldo

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  • Public space. Political disaffection: scope, causes and remedies

    Public space. Political disaffection: scope, causes and remedies

    Faced with the challenges and uncertainties of the future, society is calling for greater transparency in information and in the flow of knowledge, supported by the accelerated technological development of the Internet and virtual communities. Against this backdrop, Espacio Público was created in 2018 with the aim of offering both the specialist public and [...]

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  • Horizontal agreements between undertakings

    Horizontal agreements between undertakings

    This volume contains the papers presented at the fifth edition of the Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, sponsored and organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held at its headquarters.

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  • International humanitarian law and the challenges of today's armed conflicts

    International humanitarian law and the challenges of today's armed conflicts

    Papers from the Conference on International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts, organised by the Spanish Red Cross and the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held in Madrid and at the Foundation's headquarters on 17 and 18 November 2004.

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Featured science and technology

  • Deep-tech Entrepreneurship in Spain

    Deep-tech Entrepreneurship in Spain

    As a result of the collaboration between the MIT and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, we present the report Deep-Tech Entrepreneurship in Spain, which analyses the Spanish scenario for the development of these technologies and outlines a strategy for Spain in this field. Technical information:

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  • Rafael del Pino Chair in Neurosciences

    Rafael del Pino Chair in Neurosciences

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Puerta de Hierro University Hospital signed a collaboration agreement for the creation of a Rafael del Pino Chair of Neurosciences dedicated to clinical research in the field of spinal cord injury, led by Dr. Jesús Vaquero at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital.

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  • Rafael del Pino Chair at the Foundation for Ophthalmological Research

    Rafael del Pino Chair at the Foundation for Ophthalmological Research

    Professor Rafael del Pino at the Foundation for Ophthalmological Research

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  • Chair in Science and Society

    Chair in Science and Society

    The aim of the Chair in Science and Society is to analyse, debate and communicate the impact of science and technology on society. This Chair is linked to the university sphere, the source of scientific and technological knowledge that radiates into society through research transfer and educational outreach. But it is also the necessary fruit of a historic moment and of the will of institutions and entities to ensure that the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution benefit citizens.

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