The Spanish economy is exposed to structural macroeconomic shocks of different nature that impact with different intensity and meaning on relevant variables such as GDP or employment on which, ultimately, the welfare of citizens depends. The aim of this space is to disseminate and highlight the data and results generated in the research on the Spanish economy supported by the Foundation, both in terms of the current situation and in historical perspective.
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ECO 2024 Report (April)
The Business Cycle Observatory, an initiative of BBVA Research, Fedea and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, have jointly launched the eleventh edition of the Business Cycle Observatory in Spain, entitled "Business Cycle, Employment and Productivity in 2023". This Observatory analyses and quantifies the influence of a wide range of factors on the economic...
Pre-industrial Spain (1277-1850)
GDP Supply
GDP Demand
Capital in Spain
Growth accounting in Spain
International Comparison
Income Distribution