As a result of the collaboration between MIT and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, we present the report Deep-Tech Entrepreneurship in Spainwhich analyses the Spanish scenario for the development of these technologies and outlines a strategy for Spain in this field.

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The authors Oihana Basilio Ruiz de ApodacaMIT-Rafael del Pino Fellow (2020-2022), Fiona MurrayWilliam Porter Professor of Entrepreneurship & Associate Dean for Innovation + Inclusion, Sloan School of Management, and Lars Frølund, Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish Deep-Tech ecosystem by applying the MIT iEcosystem model, which emphasises five critical system factors (i.e. human capital, finance, infrastructure, demand and culture/incentives) that drive innovation (I-Cap) and entrepreneurship (E-Cap) capabilities. The assessment of these inputs, both strengths and weaknesses, serves as a basis for the formulation of recommendations designed from a systemic perspective to strengthen the Spanish Deep-Tech ecosystem. Furthermore, the MIT approach emphasises the role of co-creation and collaboration between key stakeholders (i.e. entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, universities, companies and government) as an approach to implementation. In addition, the report presents a comparative international study of the most relevant Deep-Tech strategies as an opportunity to contrast current and future actions in Spain and Europe.