Abuse of dominance

After holding the first Seminar on The Modernisation of Competition Law in Spain and the European Union, the Rafael del Pino Foundation has organised the second Seminar on The Abuse of Dominance.

In accordance with its decision to organise an annual Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, following the first Seminar on The Modernisation of Competition Law in Spain and the European Union, the Rafael del Pino Foundation has organised the second Seminar on The Abuse of Dominance.

If in the first year we decided to address a field as broad as the reform and modernisation of competition regulation in Spain and Europe, in the second call we decided to focus on a much more specific aspect, but one that is unequivocally topical and not free of complexities.

The topics covered and their authors are:

  1. An economic rationalisation of the concept of dominance (Inmaculada Gutiérrez and Jorge Padilla).
  2. Difficulties in defining the relevant market (Fernando Jiménez Latorre and Enrique Cañizares Pacheco).
  3. Market share and market power (Cani Fernández)
  4. Collective dominance: the current state of a long evolution (Jaime Folguera Crespo and Borja Martínez Corral).
  5. An Economic Approach to Article 82 (Patrick Rey, Jordi Gual, Martín Hellwit, Anne Perrot, Michele Polo, Klaus Schmidt and Rune Stenbacka)
  6. Abuse and its effects. Modernisation of Article 82 TEC: revision or reform (Rafael Allendesalazar Corcho)
  7. Delimitation of the notion of abuse of a dominant position (Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real)
  8. Public regulation and abuse of dominant position (Lluís Cases)
  9. Price abuses: overpricing (Fernando Díez Estella)
  10. Predatory pricing (Antonio Creus)
  11. Price discrimination as an abuse of dominant position (Oriol Armengol i Gasull)
  12. Discounts and their problems (Javier Ruiz Calzado)
  13. Refusal to Supply and Related Figures (Helmut Brokelmann)
  14. Product tying. Reference to the Microsoft case (Miguel Odriozola Alén and Begoña Barrantes Díaz)
  15. The possible abuse of intellectual and industrial property rights. Capture of standards and abuse of standard setting agreements (Pedro Callol García).
  16. Other forms of abuse of dominant position (with special mention of the abuse of economic dependence) (Luis Berenguer y Fuster).