In May 2001, when our Foundation was just starting out, we convened in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Santa Fe a conference on the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, the main scientific focus of which was the political and administrative personality of Don Joaquin del Pino y Rozas, VIII Viceroy of the Provinces of the Río de la Plata. The result of that meeting was a volume containing the various papers presented there, which was also the starting point for our initiatives in the field of history. These initiatives later crystallised, as the first fruit in Spain, in the II Viceroyalty Conference held in Baena in April 2004, as part of the events commemorating the death of the illustrious Baena native, and have continued with the launch of the History Collection, as part of the Foundation's already abundant publishing production. It is in this line of work that the work by Ezequiel ABÁSOLO: Amor al Real Servicio. Don Joaquín del Pino and the organisation of Hispanic Uruguay.

Love of royal service: Don Joaquín del Pino and the organisation of Uruguay Hispánico
In May 2001, when our Foundation was still in its infancy, we convened in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Santa Fe, a Viceroyalty Conference of the Río de la Plata, whose main scientific focus was the political and administrative personality of Don Joaquin del Pino y Rozas, VIII Viceroy of the Provinces of the Río de la Plata.