Competition law and judges

This volume contains the papers presented at the third edition of the Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, sponsored and organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held at its headquarters.

On 20 November 2006, the Rafael del Pino Foundation held its Third Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, thus continuing the series begun two years ago, which already enjoys well-deserved prestige and which has led to the publication of two excellent volumes (La modernización del Derecho de la Competencia en España y en la Unión Europea, 2005 and El abuso de la posición de dominio, 2006), co-published by the Foundation and the prestigious publishing house Marcial Pons, as well as the present work.

The topics covered and their authors are:

  1. Parallel enforcement by judges and administrative authorities: possible contradictions and ways to avoid them (Alberto Arribas).
  2. The articulation in the Spanish judicial process of cooperation mechanisms between judges and competition authorities (Edorta Echarandio).
  3. Compensation for damages (Helmut Brokelmann)
  4. Economic analysis in judicial reasoning: the valuation of damages (Fernando Jiménez Latorre, Eduardo Prieto Kessler and Daniel Domínguez).
  5. Judicial review in matters of prohibited agreements (Cani Fernández)
  6. Introduction to the study of the case law reviewing administrative decisions on abuse of dominance in Spain (Marcos Araujo).
  7. Specific problems of judicial review of fines (Santiago Soldevila)
  8. Unilateral Practices, Competition Rules, and Judicial Review: A First Look from the EU (Christian Ahlborn, David S. Evans and Jorge Padilla)
  9. Judicial review of merger clearances and prohibitions (Ramón Trillo)
  10. The standard of judicial review in merger matters (Rafael García-Valdecasas)
  11. Merger judicial review and economic analysis (Nadia Calviño)
  12. Compensation for damages in merger cases (Enrique Gonzalez)
  13. Antitrust rules: injunctive relief in their direct judicial application (Jaime Folguera and Borja Martínez Corral).
  14. Judicial review of administrative injunctions (Francisco Cantos and Salomé Santos)
  15. Judicial injunctions in antitrust disciplinary proceedings (David Ordóñez)
  16. Precautionary Measures and Merger Control (Juan Jiménez Laiglesia and José María Jiménez Laiglesia)

