Emerging multinationals: Spanish companies in the global economy

On 30 December 2009, the study entitled "Emerging Multinationals: Spanish Companies in the Global Economy", which Professors Mauro F. Guillén (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) and Esteban García (University of Oviedo) carried out following the signing of a Research Agreement with the Director of the Rafael García Foundation, was completed.

On 30 December 2009, the study entitled "Emerging Multinationals: Spanish companies in the global economy", carried out by Professors Mauro F. Guillén (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) and Esteban García (University of Oviedo) following the signing of a Research Agreement with the Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, was completed. The purpose of the research was to analyse the distinctive competitive capabilities of Spanish companies compared to the so-called emerging multinationals from countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, United Arab Emirates and India. The work has the following structure and contents:

  • The first chapter focused on the analysis of the internationalisation patterns of emerging multinational companies.
  • The second chapter identifies the distinctive characteristics of these multinationals, their competitive capabilities and their international growth patterns.
  • The third chapter deals with emerging multinationals in traditional sectors (agriculture, beverages and food). A key part of the analysis concerns the interaction between comparative country advantages and firm-specific competitive capabilities.
  • The fourth chapter deals with the consumer goods sector (clothing, luxury goods, electrical appliances and consumer electronics) by making comparisons with Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies.
  • Chapter five analyses firms in the intermediate and capital goods sectors (metal, chemicals, machinery and transport equipment). As in the previous chapter, relevant comparisons are made with firms in other emerging countries.
  • The sixth chapter deals with companies in regulated and infrastructure sectors (banking, insurance, electricity, oil and gas, water, transport, telecommunications and health care).
  • Chapter seven focuses on the business services sector, one of the most dynamic sectors: software, consulting, engineering, support services and legal advice.
  • Finally, the eighth chapter includes the conclusions of the study and presents a conceptual framework that integrates the different experiences of companies in different sectors with the aim of outlining the factors responsible for the success of some companies in certain sectors and the failure or delay of others. The result of the research will be published in a book published in English by Cambridge University Press and in Spanish, either in the Economics and Business Collection of the Rafael del Pino Foundation or by a commercial publisher.

