Gross Domestic Product deflators and their expenditure components (2010=100)

[xty_populate name="connector.rafaeldelpino_contabilidad_historica.umd.min" load="true"] { type: "Line", defaults: { x: ["c6_private_consumption", "c6_public_consumption", "c6_training_gross_fixed_capital", "c6_capital_training", "c6_exports", "c6_imports", "c6_gdp", "c6_rnb", "c6_rnn", "c6_rndn"], }, brush: [1850,2022], title: "Gross Domestic Product deflators and their expenditure components (2010=100)", description: "", source: "Please quote as: Leandro Prados de la Escosura (2017), Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-2015 (London: Palgrave Macmillan) (updated database)", sourceLink: "", yScaleFunction: d3 => d3.scaleLog(), group: ["Gross Domestic Product deflators and their expenditure components"], language: "en" } [/xty_populate]