
  • Antonio García Tabuenca

    Antonio García Tabuenca

    PhD in Economics and degree in Law. Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Alcalá, where he is Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (2018-), and researcher at the Institute for Economic and Social Analysis (IAES). He has been director of the ICO Foundation Chair of SME Financing...

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  • Antoni Espasa

    Antoni Espasa

    Professor at UC3M since 1992. Currently Emeritus Professor. Graduate in Economics and Law, University of Deusto, 1969. Diploma in Statistics, 1970, Master in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics (distinction), 1971, and Doctor in Economics (Ph.D.), 1975, from the London School of Economics. King James I Prize in Economics, 1991. Fellow...

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  • Ana María Romero Martínez

    Ana María Romero Martínez

    Ana María Romero Martínez is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Organization at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she has been a member since 1999, accredited as Associate Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) since March 2012. She holds the position of Academic Secretary of the...

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  • Francisco Rodríguez Barrientos

    Francisco Rodríguez Barrientos

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  • Pedro Schwartz Girón

    Pedro Schwartz Girón

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Camilo José Cela University signed an agreement for the creation of the Rafael del Pino Chair at the Camilo José Cela University. Professor Schwartz's main lines of research are the following: "Democratic Capitalism: Progress and Paradox", a complete rewriting in English of his work "In Search of...

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  • Mauro Guillén

    Mauro Guillén

    University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Lauder Institute (2003) The Rafael del Pino Foundation decided to award a Rafael del Pino Chair in 2003 to Mauro Federico Guillén Rodríguez, Professor of International Business Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The research has mainly taken place at the University of Pennsylvania (USA)....

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  • Javier Barrientos Grandon

    Javier Barrientos Grandon

    Javier Barrientos Grandon, is Associate Professor in the History of Law and Institutions Department at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is a full member of the Chilean Academy of History and a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History. He holds a degree in Law and Social Sciences from the University of Chile (1990),...

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  • Santiago de Santiago

    Santiago de Santiago

    Sculptor. Born in Navaescurial, Ávila. Self-taught. Studied sculpture in France, Italy and Japan. He has held collective and individual exhibitions all over the world. He has received very important prizes, the most important being in 1976 the Military Cross with White Distinctive 1st Class, in 1982 Gold and Brilliant Medal S.E.K., and recently awarded the Gold Medal to the...

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  • José Antonio Escudero López

    José Antonio Escudero López

    He was the director of the book "Cortes y Constitución de Cádiz. 200 Years", promoted by the Rafael del Pino Foundation on the occasion of the Bicentenary of the Cortes and the Constitution of Cadiz. The work was presented in the Town Hall of Cádiz on 25 March of the same year. He holds a Doctorate in Law from the Complutense University...

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  • Eduardo Serra Rexach

    Eduardo Serra Rexach

    He was born in Madrid in 1946. He studied high school at the Ramiro de Maeztu Secondary School and law at the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1974 he entered, with number one, the Corps of State Lawyers. He has spent half of his professional life working in the Public Administration, being the only one...

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  • Víctor García de la Concha

    Víctor García de la Concha

    Professor at the University of Salamanca, he has been a full member of the Real Academia Española since 1991. Director for twelve years (1998-2010) and at the same time president of the Association of Spanish Language Academies, he promoted a pan-Hispanic linguistic policy, which involves the joint work of all of them on an equal footing. Since 2011 he has been...

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  • Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón

    Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón

    Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón (Trelles, Coaña, Asturias, 10 December 1931 - Madrid, 31 March 2014) was a Spanish economist, professor and historian. He received his PhD in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1966, with the thesis Problemas de la agricultura española en el tránsito del Antiguo al Nuevo Régimen (Problems of Spanish agriculture in the transition from the Old to the New Regime), by...

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