
  • Fernando Fueyo

    Fernando Fueyo

    Fernando Fueyo was born in Vilaller (Valle de Arán, Lérida) in 1945. Considered one of the best artists of nature, he has twice been awarded the International Prize of the Scientific Society of Science and Illustration, and the Spanish Geographical Society Prize. Since the 1980s, his paintings and illustrations have attracted a great deal of attention....

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  • Francisco Cabrillo

    Francisco Cabrillo

    Francisco Cabrillo is Professor of Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid. With an outstanding academic record, he has been visiting fellow at Princeton, Rome and Oxford Universities. From 1990 to 2008 he was director of the European Erasmus Programme in Law and Economics in Spain and is director of the Master in Law and Economics at the EAE Business...

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  • Núria Sala i Vila

    Núria Sala i Vila

    Professor of American History at the University of Girona. She has researched ethnohistory, regional history and Amazonian colonisation, and Peruvian independence. Author of Y se armó el tole-tole. Tributo indígena y movimientos sociales en el Perú (1784-1814), 1996; Selva y Andes. Ayacucho (1780-1929) historia de una región en la encrucijada, 2001, and co-author of La...

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  • Alfonso Esquivel

    Alfonso Esquivel

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  • Manuel Lucena Giraldo

    Manuel Lucena Giraldo

    Manuel Lucena Giraldo is a Historian. Researcher at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España (CSIC), associate professor at the Instituto de Empresa/IE University and OBS-Planeta Universidades. He was visiting professor at Harvard University, Lecturer BOSP at Stanford University and researcher and visiting professor at Tufts University (Boston), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), IVIC (Venezuela), Universidad de...

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  • Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    Felipe Fernández-Armesto

    Felipe Fernández-Armesto was born in London in 1950. He studied History at the University of Oxford, where he spent his academic career in the Faculty of Modern History from 1981 to 2000. He has also held the Chair of World and Environmental History at Queen Mary College, University of London, the Prince of Asturias Chair at Tufts University, and the Prince of Asturias Chair at...

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  • Feliciano Barrios

    Feliciano Barrios

    Doctor in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, Professor of History of Law and Institutions at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has been Dean, now Honorary Dean, of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, and Director and Honorary Fellow of the Mayor "Diego de...

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  • Alfredo Moreno Cebrián

    Alfredo Moreno Cebrián

    Alfredo Moreno is one of the most important Latin American historians and has focused his entire academic and research career on the study of society and the political and economic institutions of the Spanish-American colonial world. He holds a PhD in History from the Complutense University of Madrid, is a research professor at the Institute of History of the Centre for Human Sciences...

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  • Victor Villasante

    Victor Villasante

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  • Juan Luis Arsuaga

    Juan Luis Arsuaga

    Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras (Madrid, 1954) holds a degree and PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and is Professor of Palaeontology at the same university. On 8 April 1993, he was on the cover of Nature magazine for his article on the discovery, in 1992, of the most complete human skull in the fossil record...

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  • Milagros Algaba Suárez

    Milagros Algaba Suárez

    Milagros Algaba is a geographer by training, in which she was fortunate to have had great teachers. After a few twists and turns, including two maternities, her path ended up taking her, some years ago, to the world of excavations and human evolution. Since then, she has been travelling back in time and learning as much as she can...

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  • Alejandro Moyano Aliaga

    Alejandro Moyano Aliaga

    Alejandro Moyano was born in Córdoba, Argentina, on 9 July 1940. He has a degree in History, specialising in Archives. He held the position of Director of the Historical Archive of the Province of Cordoba continuously from 1969 until his retirement in 2011. Passionate about history, and in particular genealogy and heraldry, he is a...

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