Ana María Romero Martínez is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Organization at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she has been a member since 1999, accredited as Associate Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) since March 2012. She has held the position of Academic Secretary of the Department of Business Organization since January 2012. She has a recognised research period (sexenio), 2005-2010. He holds a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid (July 2005) and was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in the academic year 2004/2005 for his doctoral thesis "Cambios en la iniciativa emprendedora en las empresas privatizadas en España" (qualification: outstanding cum laude by unanimous decision).
She has been a lecturer at the Complutense Summer School, in teacher training courses and at various conferences and congresses aimed at university teacher training. Within the Teaching Evaluation Programme of the UCM, she is among the 15% of the teachers best valued for their teaching activity. He has published several teaching manuals with publishers such as Prentice Hall. He has participated in different Teaching Innovation Projects.
His research activity focuses on the creation of new companies and corporate entrepreneurship. Within this line of research, he is a member of the Bancaja Chair "Young Entrepreneurs" at UCM and of the UCM Consolidated Research Group "Business Growth Strategies". In addition, he is currently participating in two projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The results of his research have been published in national and international journals of recognised prestige.
She has also published research books and book chapters in publishing houses such as Springer, Cinca or Thomson-Civitas. She has actively participated in many conferences as a speaker, chair of round tables and reviewer. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Team Performance Management and a reviewer for various journals such as Universia Business Review.