Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón

Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón (Trelles, Coaña, Asturias, 10 December 1931 - Madrid, 31 March 2014) was a Spanish economist, professor and historian. He received his PhD in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1966, with the thesis Problemas de la agricultura española en el tránsito del Antiguo al Nuevo Régimen (Problems of Spanish agriculture in the transition from the Old to the New Regime), by [...]

Gonzalo Anes Álvarez de Castrillón (Trelles, Coaña, Asturias, 10 December 1931 - Madrid, 31 March 2014) was a Spanish economist, professor and historian. He received a PhD in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1966, with the thesis Problems of Spanish agriculture in the transition from the Old to the New Regimefor which he was awarded the Taurus prize for research books in the Social Sciences, published under the title Agrarian crises in modern Spain.

Professor at the Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences in Madrid, in 1967 he obtained the chair of World and Spanish Economic History at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela and, in 1968, the chair of Economic History and Institutions at the Faculty of Economics of the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1978 he was elected a full member of the Royal Academy of History and director in 1998.

Some of his most important works include: Economic history and social thought (1983), The ancien régime: the Bourbons (1985), Everyday life in Goya's time (1996) e Economic History of Spain. 19th and 20th centuries (2000).

Anes was a director of the Banco de España (1980-1989) and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum (1986-1990).