Rafael del Pino Club of Scientists Excellence Scholarship Holders

The Club de Científicos Becarios de Excelencia Rafael del Pino brings together the elite of young Spanish scientists. It is a lively, interdisciplinary, pro-global, pro-talent community that meets regularly to discuss current, relevant, global and transcendent issues for and by the entire scientific community. To date, it has more than 1000 members [...]

The Club de Científicos Becarios de Excelencia Rafael del Pino brings together the elite of young Spanish scientists.

It is a living, interdisciplinary, pro-global, pro-talent community that meets regularly to discuss current, relevant, global and transcendent issues for and by the entire scientific community. Today, it has more than 1000 members spread across the best institutions and universities in the world and specialised in all the different areas of scientific knowledge.

The five main principles The main areas of action are:

  1. The creation and strengthening of the Rafael del Pino scientific community and the subsequent reception of Spanish scientists with our values of excellence in STEM sciences.
  2. Sharing opportunities, resources and proposals among Club members.
  3. To discuss current, relevant, global and transcendent issues by and for the entire scientific community.
  4. To analyse and promote possible technological applications in the different fields of knowledge, as well as the appropriate ways and strategies for their transfer to the market.
  5. And this is consistent with the principles and values of the Rafael del Pino Association of Excellence Scholarship Holders,to promote and develop scientific and technological progress in the different areas of knowledge in order to promote innovative technological initiative, civil leadership and social commitment.

If you are interested in joining this club or if you have any questions, please write to clubdecientificos@bfrdelpino.com.


If you want to keep up to date with all the events organised by the Club de Científicos Becarios de Excelencia Rafael del Pino, click here. here.
