The Governance of the Monarchy of Spain, 1555-1700

Feliciano Barrios

The Rafael del Pino Foundation decided to support the research of Professor of History Feliciano Barrios, entitled "The Governance of the Monarchy of Spain, 1555-1700". The promotion of knowledge of Spanish history and culture is one of the Foundation's main lines of action, with the conviction that knowing the past helps to better plan for the future.

This research agreement was signed on 6 July 2006. Since then, the first two quarters of the research period have been used to review and locate classic literature, as well as the most recent bibliography on the central institutions of government of the Spanish Monarchy in the period under analysis.

In a second phase, the search was aimed at locating documentation relating to the structure, functioning and composition of the Council of State, which was mainly responsible for the foreign affairs of the Monarchy.

At the end of the research, the conclusions reached by Professor Barrios will be published in a book published in the History Collection of the Rafael del Pino Foundation.