The prize of being Viceroy

With the sponsorship of the Foundation, the book "El premio de ser Virrey: los intereses públicos y privados del gobierno virreinal en el Perú de Felipe V", published by the CSIC and authored by Alfredo Moreno Cebrián (Professor of Philosophy at the University of Navarre), was presented on 17 November 2005 at the General Archive of Navarre.

Sponsored by the Foundation, the book "El premio de ser Virrey: los intereses públicos y privados del gobierno virreinal en el Perú de Felipe V", published by the CSIC and authored by Alfredo Moreno Cebrián (Research Professor at the CSIC) and Núria Sala i Vila (Professor of American History at the University of Girona), was presented on 17 November 2005 at the General Archive of Navarre.

The book was presented by Professors Juan Carlos Domínguez Nafría of the San Pablo-CEU University, Juan Camacho Pérez of the Public University of Navarra and Pilar Latasa Vassallo of the University of Navarra.