The global governance of experts

The Rafael del Pino Foundation decided to support Professor Josep Mª. Colomer to carry out the research "The global governance of experts". This research analyses the decision-making processes and implementation of innovative public policies on major issues, especially macroeconomic ones, through the interaction between certain international organisations and the governments of certain countries.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation decided to support Professor Josep Mª. Colomer to carry out the research "The world government of experts". This research analyses the processes of decision-making and implementation of innovative public policies on major issues, especially macroeconomic ones, through the interaction between certain international organisations and state governments to find out how these processes circumvent the established democratic mechanisms, show the inefficiencies and maladjustments of certain institutions and political organisations and suggest the need for new institutional designs at different levels.

The analysis includes formal decision-making models, database mining, statistical quantitative measurement techniques and elements of institutional design. The research was completed in 2013.