Videos of
Today's productivity slowdown: a historical perspective
Nicholas Crafts
The era of Chinese multinationals. Competing for global dominance
Lourdes Casanova
A better Spain
Mariano Rajoy and Carlos Herrera
The future of capitalism
Paul Collier and Jose Ignacio Torreblanca
The economic impact of Brexit on European regions
Raquel Ortega-Argilés
Ten years on: Facing a new economic crisis?
Juergen Donges
Give me back my power
Miriam González Durántez and Ana Pastor
A project for Spain
Eduardo Serra, Ana Palacio, Javier Gomá, Joaquín Leguina and Javier Ruiz
The global green new deal
Jeremy Rifkin
Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape
Charles Evans and Luis de Guindos
Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape
Luis de Guindos
Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape
Charles Evans