Videos of
The role of journalism in the arena of power
Bieito Rubido, Mariano Rajoy and Nicolás Redondo
Reflections on structural challenges
Bart van Ark, Martina Larkin, Belén Romana and Eric Chaney
How to trigger economic and social recovery
Ignacio de la Torre, Silvia Iranzo, Emma Navarro, Emilio Lamo de Espinosa
How to invest successfully in innovation and technology today
Luis Perez Breva
Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy: Proposals for Growth and Shared Prosperity
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Enrique Feás
Metropolis. The future is already present
Ana Ariño, Diego Puga, Diego Soroa and Elena Herrero-Beaumont
The blackout. How the coronavirus shook the world economy
Adam Tooze and Ricardo de Querol
Liberal Voices. On the quality of Spanish democracy
Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, María Blanco and Carlos Rodríguez Braun
Open: the story of human progress
Johan Norberg
Liberal voices. Facing authoritarianism
Antonella Marty, Gloria Álvarez and María Blanco
Reset your mind
Mario Alonso Puig
Partnership between pandemics
Lorraine Daston, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Adam Tooze and Lino Camprubí