20 years training Spanish leaders

The Founder's restlessness, generosity and entrepreneurial spirit led him, in 1999, to create the Rafael del Pino Foundation with the objectives of training current and future leaders, promoting knowledge and research, fostering the capacity for entrepreneurship and defending freedom. Specifically, on 4 November of that year, the...

The Founder's restlessness, generosity and entrepreneurial spirit led him, in 1999, to create the Rafael del Pino Foundation with the objectives of training current and future leaders, promoting knowledge and research, fostering the capacity for entrepreneurship and defending freedom. Specifically, on 4 November of that year, the Foundation was set up. After 20 years of activity since that date, we think it is time to analyse the work carried out and measure the impact achieved with its activities in the period 1999-2019.

The Founder summed up our commitment masterfully in his own words: "We all have a great task ahead of us: to help ensure that the knowledge inherited from others, together with our particular added value, continues to be passed on to the next generations in freedom. All of this through service to others and through our dedication, our effort and our sacrifice. And if we thus apply our knowledge to improve the well-being of more people, we will have done our duty and we will have contributed a little to making it easier for the inhabitants of the Earth to live together".

After 20 years of activity, the Foundation renews its commitment to improving the knowledge of the leaders of the Spain of the future, promoting individual initiative, fostering the principles of free markets and free enterprise, progress and the future of Spain. The figures given below are an example of the impact achieved and an incentive to continue working, with renewed strength, along the path set by the Founder and the Governing Bodies.


The Foundation has organised numerous training programmes aimed at strengthening the leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation skills of our current and future leaders.

119,800 people have participated in the 515 training programmes organised over the years.


The Foundation has paid special attention to the training of Spanish leaders in the field of leadership by organising programmes designed for specific groups in order to help update their knowledge and enhance their personal and professional skills.

158 leadership programmes held in Spain and 142 Intensive Courses and Seminars held in the USA and Great Britain hosted 16,500 Spanish senior leaders.


Innovation, driven by free individual initiative, reaches its full meaning when it can materialise in real projects, the seed of new projects capable of contributing to improving the world in which we live. With its proposals for training entrepreneurs, the Foundation has contributed to the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit in Spain and to the strengthening of business projects.

60 entrepreneurship programmes involved 5,100 participants.


The Foundation in its quest to support education professionals in the continuous development of their skills, has developed programmes to support teachers in their personal and professional development.

45 teacher training programmes with 4,200 participants.


The Foundation focuses its programmes on all levels of education. Its initial experience in postgraduate training and the training of current leaders was complemented with programmes aimed at the youngest, developed in primary, secondary, high school and undergraduate levels.

83 leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation programmes reached 79,000 young Spanish students with these themes.


With the Escuela en Red Rafael del Pino, the Foundation joined its face-to-face programmes with online formats, in order to reinforce its strategies to support the training of current and future leaders.

15,000 students opted for the online training offered by the Rafael del Pino Network School.


The Rafael del Pino Excellence Scholarship Programme has contributed to the training of Spanish leaders, to the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit and activity in Spain and to the research and dissemination of knowledge.

283 Rafael del Pino Excellence Scholars were beneficiaries of 473 scholarships awarded at the best universities in the world.


The Foundation, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the knowledge of Spanish leaders, organised Master Conferences and expert meetings with the participation of prominent personalities from the academic, business and political spheres.

557 events have been developed by the Foundation in the last two decades, of which 325 have taken the form of Master Conferences and 232 of dialogues and meetings.


The frptv.es television room provided a structured offer of multimedia content, offering the possibility of following the activities taking place at the Foundation in real time.

In addition to the 100,000 streaming followers of the activities channelled through frptv, there were 1,200,000 video downloads of the 747 pieces of content published on this audiovisual platform.


In line with the founder's vision of training leaders and entrepreneurs in various fields, including science, the Foundation has endowed chairs, appointed professors, supported research projects and offered free and open platforms for the dissemination of studies, research and databases.

In addition to the 16 appointed Rafael del Pino professorships, 107 research projects were supported, some of which resulted in 70 works published in 14 languages.


The Rafael del Pino Sports Complex is a first-class sports infrastructure, adapted to the mobility and accessibility needs of people with spinal cord injuries, with the consequent technical complexities of design and construction. Its main beneficiaries are people affected by spinal cord injury or other disabilities.
