
  • Juan Martínez-Barea

    Juan Martínez-Barea

    The world to come

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  • Antonio Garrigues Walker

    Antonio Garrigues Walker

    Key witness to half a century of our history

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  • Macroeconomic modelling and analysis of the Spanish economy

    Macroeconomic modelling and analysis of the Spanish economy

    María del Pino, Rafael Domenech, Marta Fernández Currás and Iñigo Fernández de Mesa Vargas

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  • Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff

    Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff

    Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations

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  • Jeremy Rifkin

    Jeremy Rifkin

    Jeremy Rifkin

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  • Sebastián Piñera

    Sebastián Piñera

    New leadership and opportunities after the crisis. An Ibero-American vision

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  • Jesús Fernández Villaverde

    Jesús Fernández Villaverde

    The change Spain needs: lessons from the circle barometer

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  • Juergen B. Donges

    Juergen B. Donges

    Interesting times ahead: the euro and the market economy

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  • Benjamin Cohen

    Benjamin Cohen

    The coming monetary disorder

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  • The entrepreneur as an engine of growth

    The entrepreneur as an engine of growth

    In collaboration with the Businessmen's Circle

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  • Mobility in the innovation society

    Mobility in the innovation society

    Bernando Hernández

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  • VIII Start Up Spain

    VIII Start Up Spain

    Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with Esade Business School

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