20th Anniversary

On 12 December 2019, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised an event to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. The event was attended by more than 250 people including its Governing Bodies, Rafael del Pino Professors, Excellence Fellows, students of the training programmes, Academics, as well as other members of the Rafael del Pino...

On 12 December 2019, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised an event to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. The event was attended by more than 250 people including its Governing Bodies, Rafael del Pino Professors, Excellence Fellows, students of the training programmes, Academics, as well as representatives of organisations that have collaborated with the Foundation during the 20 years since its creation.

The event, which included a Christmas Concert, performed by cellist Elías Leceta and pianist Jorge Tabarés, Fellows of Excellence of the Foundation, became a tribute to the values of its founder Rafael del Pino y Moreno and his concern to train current and future leaders, promote knowledge and research, encourage entrepreneurship and defend freedom.

María del Pino, President of the Foundation said: "At the heart of all the Foundation's projects are the people, and it is very stimulating to hear testimonies of how the Foundation has contributed to changing lives. The past is, above all, a school of learning and a preamble to the future. The Foundation will continue with the activity guided by its mission and its commitment to people, adapted to new times, new needs and new challenges".

Over the last two decades, 119,800 people have participated in the 515 training programmes organised by the Foundation, 283 Rafael del Pino Excellence Fellows have studied at the best universities in the world and 557 Master Conferences and Dialogues have been held with more than 1,200,000 video downloads.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation was established on 4 November 1999. Rafael del Pino y Moreno, its founder, summed up the institution's commitment in his own words: "we all have a great task ahead of us: to contribute to ensuring that the knowledge inherited from others, together with our particular added value, continues to be passed on to the next generations in freedom. All of this through our service to others and through our dedication, our effort and our sacrifice. And if we thus apply our knowledge to improve the well-being of more people, we will have done our duty and we will have contributed a little to making it easier for the inhabitants of the Earth to live together".