Spanish economy
Services in the European Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications
On 23 December 2004, the Director of the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professor Luis Rubalcaba to carry out research entitled "Services in the European Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications". The general objective of the proposed research was the study of the activities of the...
Organisational learning dynamics in knowledge-intensive firms
On 16 November 2004, the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professors Gregorio Martín de Castro and Pedro López Sáez to carry out a research project entitled Dynamics of organisational learning in knowledge-intensive companies, which resulted in the publication of a book published in English by the Foundation....
Perfect competition and welfare
On 22 January 2004, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Pedro Schwartz signed a research agreement for the writing of a book directly in English and its publication by Edward Elgar Publishers in the United Kingdom, as well as in the Foundation's Economy and Business collection...
Report on entrepreneurial activity 2001
On 12 May 2002, the Foundation signed a Collaboration Agreement with the University of Alcalá to carry out research, the final result of which, based on the "Report on entrepreneurial activity, 2001. Companies and businessmen in Spain: causes, activities, threats and opportunities", has been the book "Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirit...
ECO 2020 Report
In this space we provide you with the OCE Report, the result of the work carried out within the framework of the Business Cycle Observatory.
Female entrepreneurs
Spain has lived decades with very high unemployment rates in comparison with our reference countries, which has probably had to do with the substance of the policies applied...
Organisational learning dynamics in high-tech companies
The last few decades have witnessed an important process of change, both socially and economically, towards what has come to be known as the Information Society or the Knowledge Society.
Economics and politics of local privatisation
The process of economic globalisation has led to important changes in business strategies and in economic policy, whose traditional approach based on the intervention of public administrations has gradually been replaced by another paradigm that has found in liberalisation, the defence of competition and privatisation its key elements....
Entrepreneurial activity
The entrepreneur is central to modern developed market economies, characterised by the exercise of economic freedom within a framework of efficient regulation.
OCE Report 2019
In this space we provide you with the OCE Report, the result of the work carried out within the framework of the Business Cycle Observatory.
OCE Report 2018
In this space we provide you with the OCE Report, the result of the work carried out within the framework of the Business Cycle Observatory.
OCE Report 2017
In this space we provide you with the OCE Report, the result of the work carried out within the framework of the Business Cycle Observatory.