Other economic research

  • Comparing efficiency between public and private companies: The case of daily cleaning and solid waste collection companies.

    Comparing efficiency between public and private companies: The case of daily cleaning and solid waste collection companies.

    On 26 December 2005, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Gustavo Sánchez García signed a research agreement with the aim of carrying out the aforementioned work. The main objectives of the research are as follows: Many authors have studied the differences between public and private companies from different perspectives....

    Further information

  • The contribution of business services to the economy: Growth, innovation and the market.

    The contribution of business services to the economy: Growth, innovation and the market.

    On 22 December 2005, the Director of the Foundation signed an agreement with Professor Luís Rubalcaba to support research under the above-mentioned title, the result of which will be the publication of a book, in English and Spanish versions, to be coordinated by Professors Luís Rubalcaba and Henk Kox. This...

    Further information

  • The role of competitive dynamism and technological innovation in the evolution of business performance

    The role of competitive dynamism and technological innovation in the evolution of business performance

    On 21 December 2005, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Antonio Javier Revilla Torrejón signed a research agreement with the aim of carrying out the aforementioned work. A central area of research in strategic management is the study of the determinants of business performance. The interest in understanding...

    Further information

  • Measuring social value capitalisation

    Measuring social value capitalisation

    On 23 December 2004, the Director of the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professor Juan Luis Martínez, the basic purpose of which was to analyse the impact of social action on the strengthening of relations between companies and their stakeholders and the identification and validation of indicators that can be used to assess the impact of social action on the...

    Further information

  • Competitive market analysis

    Competitive market analysis

    On 28 July 2004, the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professor Jordi Jaumandreu Balanzo to carry out research entitled Análisis competitivo de los mercados (Competitive analysis of markets), which will result in a book published in English by a commercial publisher and in Spanish in the Colección...

    Further information

  • BIAM Macroeconomic Analysis and Projection Project

    BIAM Macroeconomic Analysis and Projection Project

    On 28 February 2006, the Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Amadeo Petitbò, and the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the Carlos III University of Madrid, José Manuel Torralba, signed an Agreement for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation whose general objective is to regulate the participation of the Foundation as a partner of the...

    Further information

  • Entrepreneurship after privatisation

    Entrepreneurship after privatisation

    On 23 December 2004, the Director of the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professor Ana Mª Romero Martínez to carry out research entitled La iniciativa emprendedora en las empresas españolas tras su privatización; una explicación del cambio en la eficiencia (Entrepreneurship in Spanish companies after privatisation; an explanation of the change in efficiency). There were three general objectives of the...

    Further information

  • Network externalities in the digital economy

    Network externalities in the digital economy

    The globalisation of modern market economies has significantly altered business behaviour and encouraged the use of new technologies. Competition has taken on a new dimension and relevant markets have expanded their territorial dimension.

    Further information

  • Explanatory factors for international joint ventures

    Explanatory factors for international joint ventures

    On 23 December 2004, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Paloma Almodóvar signed a research agreement aimed at analysing the factors that explain the behaviour of international joint ventures (JVs). In the current economic environment, characterised by globalisation, economic organisations have the need to...

    Further information

  • Services in the European Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications

    Services in the European Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications

    On 23 December 2004, the Director of the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professor Luis Rubalcaba to carry out research entitled "Services in the European Economy: Challenges and Policy Implications". The general objective of the proposed research was the study of the activities of the...

    Further information

  • Organisational learning dynamics in knowledge-intensive firms

    Organisational learning dynamics in knowledge-intensive firms

    On 16 November 2004, the Foundation signed a research agreement with Professors Gregorio Martín de Castro and Pedro López Sáez to carry out a research project entitled Dynamics of organisational learning in knowledge-intensive companies, which resulted in the publication of a book published in English by the Foundation....

    Further information

  • Perfect competition and welfare

    Perfect competition and welfare

    On 22 January 2004, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Pedro Schwartz signed a research agreement for the writing of a book directly in English and its publication by Edward Elgar Publishers in the United Kingdom, as well as in the Foundation's Economy and Business collection...

    Further information