Economic freedom, growth and welfare in historical perspective

Professor Rafael del Pino, Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Professor of Economic History at the Carlos III University of Madrid, is developing his research activity with the aim of providing continuity and completing with new contributions the research entitled "Economic freedom, growth and welfare in historical perspective. The experience of the OECD countries, [...]

Professor Rafael del Pino, Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Professor of Economic History at the Carlos III University of Madrid, is developing his research activity with the aim of providing continuity and completing with new contributions the research entitled "Economic freedom, growth and welfare in historical perspective. The experience of the OECD countries, 1850-2000", exploiting and refining the results obtained and initiating new lines of research and dissemination of the results with a bilingual approach.

Two indices have been developed as a result of this research grant: the Historical Index of Economic Freedom (HIEL) and the Historical Human Development Index (HIHD).