The history of life and man

Throughout the second quarter of 2009, the researchers Alfonso Esquivel, Víctor Villasante and Milagros Algaba, coordinated by Juan Luis Arsuaga, handed in their work for the publication of the book "La historia de la vida y el hombre", published by Lunwerg Editores and illustrated by Fernando Fueyo, author of the aforementioned panels. The [...]

During the second quarter of 2009, the researchers Alfonso Esquivel, Víctor Villasante and Milagros Algaba, coordinated by Juan Luis Arsuaga, handed in the work for the publication of the book "La historia de la vida y el hombre", published by Lunwerg Editores and illustrated by Fernando Fueyo, author of the aforementioned panels. The book analyses the history of the universe, life, man and Western civilisation from the Big Bang to the development of the latest technologies.

The work explains the evolution of the universe, of living beings and of our culture in an accessible and rigorous text aimed at disseminating knowledge of a set of phenomena characterised by their interest and complexity.

The work is the result of the collaboration agreement signed by the Founder, Don Rafael del Pino y Moreno, with the Foundation for International Cooperation and Health "Carlos III", whose objectives included the preparation of a book commenting on the illustrative panels on human evolution and behaviour exhibited at the Rafael del Pino Foundation.