Videos of
Global financial challenges and business opportunities in times of crisis
Richard M. Locke and David Schmittlein
Things that life has taught me through business
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
On the evolution of man
Francisco J. Ayala
Stop the Euro disaster
Max Otte
The future of employment in Europe
Christopher Pissarides
Women, business and regulation 2012
Augusto López-Claros
The Third Industrial Revolution
Jeremy Rifkin
Everyone a changemaker
Bill Drayton
The Spanish Economy. A General Equilibrium Perspective
José Manuel Campa and Rafael Doménech
Inauguration of the Rafael del Pino Sports Complex by H. M. the Queen
The art of family business continuity. Beyond good practices
John L. Ward
More than good intentions: how the new economy is helping to solve global poverty
Dean S. Karlan