Institutions of the democratic rule of law, discussions
Contribución a la cultura cívica de la institucionalidad democrática This book, coordinated by Andrés Betancor Rodríguez, Professor of Administrative Law at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, brings together the reflections of academics and professionals, brought together under the auspices of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, on the institutions of the democratic rule of law. Institutions are important....
What can we learn from the tax incentives for sponsorship in the US in view of the reform of law 49/2002?
The Rafael del Pino Foundation signed a collaboration agreement with the Telefónica Foundation with the aim of investigating the sponsorship regime in the United States and the advantages and disadvantages of its application in Spain. The research, carried out by Alejandro Blázquez, Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Rey Juan Carlos University, will be conducted by the...
Costs of delays in the family and commercial justice system
As a continuation of the "Estudio sobre la extensión en el tiempo de los procesos de familia", elaborated by the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA), with the collaboration of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial, and the Fundación Rafael del Pino has sponsored a new investigation that aims to analyse the problems detected in the...
Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on competition 2008-2010
With the intention of giving continuity to the work "Ten Years of Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on Competition Law" (Law Collection - Rafael del Pino Foundation - Marcial Pons 2009 - 3 volumes) "Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on Competition Law 2008, 2009 and 2010" was born. The...
Audiencia Nacional and competition, 10 years of jurisprudence
On 12 December 2006, the Director of the Foundation and the researchers Mercedes Pedraz Calvo and Juan Manuel Fernández López signed a research agreement for the publication of 420 judgements handed down by the Administrative Chamber of the Audiencia Nacional (National High Court) in matters of labour law....
Estimation of the costs of delays in a sample of specialised family courts in Madrid and Barcelona.
Within the framework of the General Agreement between the Rafael del Pino Foundation and the General Council of the Judiciary, both institutions signed a new Collaboration Agreement on 21 December 2006, with the aim of carrying out a study on the costs of delays in a sample of specialised family courts, in order to...
Economic analysis of the administration of justice and litigation
On 20 September 2004, the Director of the Foundation and Professor Francisco Cabrillo signed a research agreement for the drafting of a book on the economic analysis of the administration of justice and litigation, which was published by a British publisher under the title "Economics of Courts and Litigation".
Horizontal agreements between undertakings
This volume contains the papers presented at the fifth edition of the Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, sponsored and organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held at its headquarters.
Competition law in times of crisis
In November 2009, the Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted the Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, held for the sixth time since 2004, which has become an eagerly awaited event for all of us in Spain who are dedicated to this discipline.
Competition law and judges
This volume contains the papers presented at the third edition of the Seminar on Competition Law and Economics, sponsored and organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held at its headquarters.
International humanitarian law and the challenges of today's armed conflicts
Papers from the Conference on International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts, organised by the Spanish Red Cross and the Rafael del Pino Foundation and held in Madrid and at the Foundation's headquarters on 17 and 18 November 2004.