Other social sciences
Lectorate of Spanish at Columbia University
The Rafael del Pino Foundation has sponsored the Spanish lectureship at Columbia University with the aim of contributing to the promotion of Spanish at the university and the strengthening of its Spanish department, as well as facilitating research and the training of professionals in the teaching of Spanish to students from...
The Spain of Philip V.
The Foundation has been a member of the Association of Protectors of the Royal Academy of History since 2001. In 2014, the Foundation and the Royal Academy of History organised the cycle of conferences The Spain of Philip V. War of Succession, reforms, growth and future projections. This series covered aspects of the...
Spanish in the United States, a link between language and business
From 2013 to 2019, the Foundation offered the Rafael del Pino Fellowship at the Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States of the Cervantes Institute at Harvard University, within the framework of its Collaboration Agreement with this Institute. The Observatory's main objective is to...
Public policies on Spanish implemented by the U.S. administration
From 2013 to 2019, the Foundation offered the Rafael del Pino Fellowship at the Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States of the Cervantes Institute at Harvard University, within the framework of its Collaboration Agreement with this Institute. The Observatory's main objective is to...
Spanish-language cyberjournalism in the United States
From 2013 to 2019, the Foundation offered the Rafael del Pino Fellowship at the Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States of the Cervantes Institute at Harvard University, within the framework of its Collaboration Agreement with this Institute. The Observatory's main objective is to...
Restoration of artistic and cultural heritage.
In 2006, the Foundation, in collaboration with the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, created the Rafael del Pino Architecture Scholarship in restoration of artistic and cultural heritage, attached to the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome. Its objective is to contribute...
A Viceroy of the Río de la Plata between War and Enlightenment
This is a research work carried out by Javier Barrientos Grandon, Professor of History of Law in Chile, in which he presents a stage in the History of the Spanish Monarchy in one of its American viceroyalties during the reign of Charles IV, when the ideas of the French Revolution, which...
Spanish expansion in the world
The Rafael del Pino Foundation together with the Royal Academy of History have reached an agreement to organise the series of conferences "Spanish expansion in the world (16th to 19th centuries: economy, politics and culture)" during 2013. The following conferences took place during the month of March 2013:
Costs of delays in the family and commercial justice system
As a continuation of the "Estudio sobre la extensión en el tiempo de los procesos de familia", elaborated by the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA), with the collaboration of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial, and the Fundación Rafael del Pino has sponsored a new investigation that aims to analyse the problems detected in the...
Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on competition 2008-2010
With the intention of giving continuity to the work "Ten Years of Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on Competition Law" (Law Collection - Rafael del Pino Foundation - Marcial Pons 2009 - 3 volumes) "Jurisprudence of the Audiencia Nacional on Competition Law 2008, 2009 and 2010" was born. The...
The global governance of experts
The Rafael del Pino Foundation decided to support Professor Josep Mª. Colomer to carry out the research "The global governance of experts". This research analyses the processes of decision-making and implementation of innovative public policies on major issues, especially macroeconomic ones, through the interaction between certain international organisations and the governments of the different countries....
The royal road of the Tejas: past and present
As a result of the collaboration agreement signed on 2 June 2011 between the Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Consulate General of Spain in Houston, Texas (USA), between 16 June and 3 July 2011, an exhibition was held at Duncan Hall of Rice University (USA)....