History and Cultural Heritage
Spanish-language cyberjournalism in the United States
From 2013 to 2019, the Foundation offered the Rafael del Pino Fellowship at the Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States of the Cervantes Institute at Harvard University, within the framework of its Collaboration Agreement with this Institute. The Observatory's main objective is to...
Restoration of artistic and cultural heritage.
In 2006, the Foundation, in collaboration with the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, created the Rafael del Pino Architecture Scholarship in restoration of artistic and cultural heritage, attached to the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome. Its objective is to contribute...
A Viceroy of the Río de la Plata between War and Enlightenment
This is a research work carried out by Javier Barrientos Grandon, Professor of History of Law in Chile, in which he presents a stage in the History of the Spanish Monarchy in one of its American viceroyalties during the reign of Charles IV, when the ideas of the French Revolution, which...
Spanish expansion in the world
The Rafael del Pino Foundation together with the Royal Academy of History have reached an agreement to organise the series of conferences "Spanish expansion in the world (16th to 19th centuries: economy, politics and culture)" during 2013. The following conferences took place during the month of March 2013:
The royal road of the Tejas: past and present
As a result of the collaboration agreement signed on 2 June 2011 between the Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Consulate General of Spain in Houston, Texas (USA), between 16 June and 3 July 2011, an exhibition was held at Duncan Hall of Rice University (USA)....
The Romanesque in the Iberian Peninsula
Under the general title of the Encyclopaedia of the Romanesque in Spain, the support of the Rafael del Pino Foundation to the Santa María la Real Foundation during the last year of the collaboration agreement between the two entities has enabled 27 young people, recent graduates in History of Art and Architecture, to receive, on behalf of the Foundation, a...
Viceregal America in the Hispanic monarchy
Between 3 and 27 May 2011, the Royal Academy of History organised -in homage to the Founder, Rafael del Pino y Moreno-, with the sponsorship of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, the series of lectures "La América Virreinal en la Monarquía Hispana" (Vice-Royal America in the Hispanic Monarchy). The content of the different interventions dealt with...
The Thread of Memory, 300 years of Spanish presence in the United States
The Rafael del Pino Foundation co-sponsored the exhibition and publication of the work "El hilo de la memoria. Three hundred years of Spanish presence in the United States" organised by Acción Cultural Española (ACE) The aim of this exhibition was to disseminate documentary collections held by the General Archive of the Indies on the history of the...
The history of life and man
Throughout the second quarter of 2009, the researchers Alfonso Esquivel, Víctor Villasante and Milagros Algaba, coordinated by Juan Luis Arsuaga, handed in their work for the publication of the book "La historia de la vida y el hombre", published by Lunwerg Editores and illustrated by Fernando Fueyo, author of the aforementioned panels. The...
The Spanish Enlightenment in American Independence: Benjamin Franklin
On the occasion of the third centenary of Benjamin Franklin's birth, the Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the Spain-United States Council Foundation and the Royal Academy of History, organised a series of conferences entitled "The Spanish Enlightenment in the Independence of the United States: Benjamin Franklin", which was held from 11 to 19...
Spanish America at the dawn of emancipation
On 17 March 2006, the Proceedings of the IX Congress of Ibero-American Academies of History, published by the Rafael del Pino Foundation in its History Collection under the title "La América Hispana en los albores de la emancipación", were presented at the Royal Academy of History. At the event...
The history of the universe and of life
On 1 March 2004, the Rafael del Pino Foundation signed a collaboration agreement with the Carlos III Foundation for International Cooperation and Health, with the aim of developing the actions detailed below. In the first place, the collaboration between the two institutions has materialised in...